2024-2025 PTO Board

Sami Villwock, President

Meredith Carrier, Secretary

Zach Hood, Treasurer

Garrett Lyon, Communications

Brie Robinson, Communications

Elizabeth Ratliff, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Yurina Yoshikawa, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Ellen McClanahan, Advisor, Happy Cart Coordinator

Ashley Kimball, Teacher Celebrations

Kellie Lutito, Teacher Celebrations

Lauren Hitch, Teacher Celebrations

Laine Moffitt, Family Help Liaison

Jeff Malinowski, Events and Fundraising

Ian White, Events and Fundraising

Ross Lockwood, Events and Fundraising

Tom Gilbert, Spiritwear - Design

Hannah Driscoll, Spiritwear - Inventory Management

Devan Baldwin, Teacher Projects

Sarah Chelton, Teacher Projects

Marisa Williams, Dragon Dash Advisor

Wendy Hinton, Dragon Dash

Kim Frech, Advisor

Heather Crabtree Jones, Angel Tree

Devon Scott, Angel Tree

Molly Kraemer, Angel Tree

PTO Board Member Bios

Learn more about each of our Board Members below.

Sami Villwock, President

Hi, my name is Sami Villwock. This will be my second year as Dan Mills PTO President, and I am lovingly known as Ernie’s mom, a rising 2nd grader. My husband, Tony Galloro, and I have been part of the Dan Mills community for almost four years now, since our Pre-K days! By day, I am an Underwriter for an MGA here in Nashville called Velocity Risk. I come from Iowa and enjoy spending time with my family (including our dog, four cats, and two guinea pigs), painting, and traveling for work. This will be my third year on the Board, and I've got to say my favorite thing about it is making dreams come true for the Dragons and staff. I'll never forget the smiles while unloading the pumpkin truck last year—it was truly magical. I'd like to implore everyone to be as involved in the community as you are able to. It's a very special community here at Dan Mills!

meredith carrier, secretary

Hi, I’m Meredith Carrier, incoming PTO Secretary. My daughter, Evie, is a rising second grader and proud Skywing Dragon. 

I grew up in Louisville, Kentucky and moved to Nashville in 2006. I’ve lived in Inglewood since 2015. When my husband Dave and I moved into the neighborhood we heard that Dan Mills was a good school, but we had no idea at the time how much that would come to matter to us. We’re so thankful for the amazing administrators, teachers, staff, students and parents that comprise the Dan Mills community. 

You can find me on the playground after school just about every school day, probably accompanied by our mixed breed rescue dog, Elsie. Elsie’s greatest joy in life is greeting Dragons and receiving belly rubs. Please feel free to stop by and say hello! 

Zach Hood, Treasurer

Hello, Dan Mills! I previously served as the Enrichment Chair on the PTO board (which despite the name has nothing to do with money) and will be taking over as treasurer this year. Even though my son is only a rising second grader, we’ve been part of the DMES community for over 5 years since he started preschool. We also have a rising seventh grader at Meigs.

In a past life before becoming a full-time parent, I worked as an electrical engineer. Today you’re more likely to find me holding a balloon arch or cutting out laminated paper while volunteering at the school than building an antenna. If you stop by to lend a hand some Friday morning, I’ll be happy to teach you to run the copying machines!

Garret Lyon, Communications

Hi, Dragons and dragon keepers! I am Garrett. My wife Audrey and I are parents to two little humans, Fendall (2nd grade) and Gideon (Kindergarten). Our Family loves to hike, roll around outside, build forts, play “the floor is lava”, and we sometimes spontaneously start dancing if the mood strikes. We also love board games and generally being loud and in motion.  

I am originally from Fairfax, Virginia which is about 30 minutes outside of DC. We moved here from Seattle right before 2020 for work and could not feel more lucky. Nashville has been a great place to land and felt like home from the moment we tumbled out of the moving van. 

I am stoked to be VPing the Communications committee with Brie. Please reach out if we can do anything. I am most excited about helping on the PTO to get a chance to meet more of the Dan Mills community and help out or just chat as much as I can. If you see me around say, “hi.” 

Brie Nicole Robinson, Communications & Marquee Master

Hi, Dragons!  Coming in hot for another year helping with communications on the website and the marquee out front of DMES. 

I am originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, though I have lived here for over 15 years.  I am the Founder and Owner of PTY Consulting, and I specialize in Change Enablement and Transformation for companies and non-profit organizations of all sizes and across industry sectors.  Unofficially, I probably swear a little too much, laugh a little too loud, and quote movies all too often.

I have a rising 2nd grader, Wyatt, who loves animals, math, swimming, and playing goalie in soccer.  In our free time you can find us at the pool, walking our dog, Nyx, or grabbing pizza at 5 Points.  We look forward to another great year as part of the Dan Mills community, and to helping more families feel connected and engaged with this wonderful MNPS tribe.

Elizabeth Ratliff, Diversity, equity, and Inclusion

Elizabeth Ratliff is a mother of 2 dragons and a professional photographer (Elle Jackson Photo).
Working with an exceptional organization called Able Voices (teaching photography to disabled young adults) and serving as Mid TN Representative on the TN Council for Autism, she is so excited to serve as Co-Chair of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion!

Yurina Yoshikawa, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

My name is Yurina Yoshikawa, and I'm a mom to two boys, Ray (1st grade) and Hal (Pre-K at Ross, soon-to-be Dan Mills Dragon in 2025). I'm a writer of fiction, essays, and book reviews, and work as the Director of Education at The Porch, a literary nonprofit based here in Nashville. I play the viola with a community orchestra called the Nashville Philharmonic, and run the book club for the Japan-America Society of Tennessee, where we discuss recently translated works of Japanese literature. As part of the DEI committee, I'm excited to bring in ideas for various heritage celebrations that we can try at Dan Mills this year. 

Ellen Duer McClanahan, Advisor, happy cart coordinator

Ellen is a Nashville native who moved to East Nashville in 2005. She has a rising 2nd and 4th grader this year. This will be her second year serving on the Dan Mills PTO board.

In addition to being the Happy Cart Coordinator for the 2024 school year, she is also the current vice president of The Battle of Nashville Trust.

Ashley Kimball, TEacher celebrations

Ashley Kimball is thrilled to have two Dragons at Dan Mills again this year, one in third grade and one in first. With a mini dragon in training at home, Ashley’s family will be at Dan Mills for many years to come. This is her third year serving on the Dan Mills PTO Board, but she comes with lots of other board experience, plus has worked in the public school system and with Teach For America Nashville. She is ready to dive in, learn more, and grow in this wonderful community. Her house is divided between Skywing & Nebula! Go Dragons!

Kellie Lutito, Teacher Celebrations

Hi! My name is Kellie Lutito and this is my second year serving on the Dan Mills PTO Board on the Teacher Appreciation Committee and as the Bake Sale Coordinator. I’m originally from Louisiana but have lived in the Nashville area since I was 12. My husband and I have 2 daughters, Amelia (3rd grade) and Isla (8th grade). We settled in Inglewood 18 years ago and are very thankful to be a part of this generous and vibrant community! I teach sourdough bread classes, make custom pastry orders and cook for private dinners and events with a local chef. In addition to reading an obscene amount of books, I love working in my garden, yoga and of course baking. I’m thrilled to continue to serve our dragons at this wonderful school!

Lauren Hitch, Teacher Celebrations

Laine Moffitt, Family Help Liaison

Hello! Laine Moffitt here and I am the Community Needs Chair this year! I have a 1st grader at Dan Mills and two little preschool aged kids at home. In any extra time I have, I like to sit still for a few minutes. After that wears off- I like to read, work out, go walking with friends, and drink coffee! I love this little pocket of Inglewood because it kind of feels like we live in a suburb and kind of feels like we live downtown! I am excited to be on the board this year because I want to meet more parents in our community as well as help Dan Mills and it's families in any way I can! 

Jeff Malinowski, Events and Fundraising

Jeff Malinowski is a repeat Dan Mills Board Member on the Events and Fundraising Committee and the parent of a third-grade Dragon named Julian.  He and his wife, Amal Bouhabib, have been Nashville residents since 2015.  Jeff works as an audio mix engineer for Paramount networks and often gigs locally and around the South with his Grateful Dead cover band The Stolen Faces.  He is excited and eager to get more involved with the Dan Mills community!

Ian White, Events and Fundraising

Hi, My name is Ian White. I have two kiddos. Both at Dan Mills. Magnolia (Noli) is a rising 4th grader. Milo is a rising 1st grader. My wife, Lindsay, is my partner in crime (no actual crimes), life, and business. We own Safe House Tattoo studio together, and have been married since 2011. We have two dogs. One old, one not. In my free time I like to oil paint, and paint murals (including the one at walker pick up at DM). My favorite show is the Great Pottery Throw Down. When the host cries, I cry. I like long walks on short piers, and the occasional trail run. I look forward to another year helping out however I can at Dan Mills. I wish parents could have their own Dragon Houses. Just saying. Events and Fundraising

Ross Lockwood, Events and Fundraising

Hello there! My name is Ross Lockwood, and I have 3 beautifully rambunctious little boys whose energy and wit keep me on my toes (and in decent physical shape). My two oldest attend DMES: Bo as a rising 4th grader, and Ira a rising 1st grader. If I told you what I did for work, you would probably stop reading and begin questioning my character, but the flexibility of my job allows me to work around the boys’ schedule and even find time to serve on the PTO! For fun I enjoy watching anime, Mississippi State athletics (just imagine the noise in our house with three boys + Pokemon + cowbells), and practicing mixology in the form of Negronis, Bees Knees and Last Words…. after bedtime, of course. I joined PTO out of a love for the school and with a hope to use my years of experience in professional fundraising to benefit the DMES community. As a newbie to the PTO, I have a lot to learn about what that will look like, but I am honored to serve the parents and staff of DMES this upcoming year! 

Tom Gilbert, Spiritwear Design

Hannah Driscoll, Spiritwear Inventory Management

Devan Baldwin, Teacher Projects

Hi Dragons! My name is Devan Baldwin. I co-chair the Teacher Needs committee supporting our wonderful teachers. My daughter Charlotte is a rising second grader in the house of Midori. 

I enjoy reading, traveling, and gardening. My family and I like to spend time outdoors and camping. I love being able to support our incredible school!

Sarah Chelton, teacher projects

Sarah Chelton is the proud mama of a rising third grader. She has been a Nashville resident for 14 years. Sarah previously taught in the suburbs of Chicago and in MNPS. In her free time she enjoys making playlists, exercising, and floating or kayaking on Lake Barkley in Kentucky. She is excited to support our wonderful school.

Marisa Williams, Dragon dash

Marisa Williams is the parent of one Skywing Dragon, Reese, a 4th grader, and a rising 6th grader, Roxy, who just left Dan Mills. They love Dan Mills and she wants to do everything she can to support their school! This will be her 5th year on the PTO. Marisa was the Incoming Treasurer 2019-2020, Treasurer of the PTO from 2020-2022 and then Events and Fundraising Co-Chair from 2022-2023. This year she is staying on as an advisor to help out where needed and to train the new Board.

Marisa is very passionate about promoting inclusion and continuing to build the community of Dan Mills. The Dan Mills teachers, faculty, and staff work so hard to educate our Dragons and she loves working alongside them! Marisa worked as a Supply Chain Engineer for 14 years and is currently a stay-at-home mom. She enjoys spending time with family, exercising, watching sports and traveling.


Wendy Hinton, Dragon Dash

Wendy will be serving in an advisory role for the Dan Mills PTO this year. This will be her tenth year serving on the PTO board, and she’s excited about the opportunities for Dragon families this school year! She has a 3rd grader at Dan Mills, a 8th grader at Litton, and a 10th grader at Hume-Fogg. She is a former MNPS teacher and Dan Mills alumni. She enjoys reading, walking in the neighborhood, and spending time with friends and family. She loves to travel and keeps her suitcase packed and ready for her next adventure.

kim frech, advisor

My name is Kim Frech and I grew up in middle Tennessee, graduated from MTSU, and have lived in Nashville for about 8 years.

I have a second grader at Dan Mills. In my spare time I attempt gardening and read entirely too many books.

Heather Crabtree Jones, Angel Tree

Devon Scott, Angel Tree

Molly Kraemer, Angel Tree


It is the mission of the Dan Mills Elementary School PTO to engage our talents, skills, interests and abilities to make Dan Mills an outstanding learning environment for all of our students. In order to achieve this mission the PTO is governed by its bylaws. The full bylaw document can be reviewed by clicking the link below.

These bylaws were updated on June 15, 2022.